The performance "A rapist on your way", in Bilbao
  • Around 500 women in Bilbao have made an act of denunciation that has spread throughout the world from Chile. They have sung in bilingual against the Machian violence and have shown their solidarity to all women who suffer from the oppression of states, capital and the armed forces.
Amaia Lekunberri Ansola 2019ko abenduaren 20a
(Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea)

A rapist on your way The performance that Chilean feminist collective Las Theses performed on November 25 in Santiago has spread throughout the world, becoming a hymn of the feminist movement. The song, choreographed, looks at the Machian violence and the institutions that perpetuate it, and stresses that the blame for the aggressions lies with no one but the aggressors.

Action to denounce rape against women has also come to Bilbao. Following the December 3 trial in Karmela, on Thursday, December 19 at night, more than 500 women gathered in front of the City Hall to bring the performance to life. In the Biscayan capital, the original of the action was maintained: the women were blinded to show that the struggle of the women is invisible, singing out loud the invisible; as for the clothing, one could see the colourful costumes and those of the breasts, in order to express that the clothing is not at all an argument of the violation.

Taking into account the origin of the performance, they also carried out an exercise of internationalist solidarity, transferring all their support to women in South America and around the world. “We convey all our anger and strength to the Chilean sisters, to the Latin American sisters and to those who suffer the repression of the State, the armed forces and the capital in different territories,” they said in the statement. In this sense, the first lines were executed by members of South American origin who fought with flags of different countries, green scarves in favor of abortion rights in Argentina and whipals.

They sang out loud and bilingual against the Machian violence: first in Basque and then in Spanish.