A man is imprisoned in Tudela for an attempt at rape
  • He lives in Tudela and was arrested by the Spanish Police last Monday at dawn for having committed an alleged sexual offense. He injured the victim and stole the cell phone.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko ekainaren 01
Eraso matxisten aurka Tuteran egindako bilkura. (Arg.: La Voz de la Ribera)

The assaulted woman reported the facts to the Spanish Police at around 20:00 on Sunday. A 39-year-old woman, with broken clothes and face injuries, reported that a man attacked her a little earlier trying to rape her.

The victim stated that the man attacked him when he was alone, twice more. When a friend of the woman returned, the aggressor left. After the woman had been taken care of, the police took her to the hospital. By court order, the man is imprisoned.