Celebration of Flight Day in Ezterenzubi
  • Because of the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the previous Board Day could not be celebrated. It will be resumed this year, on 24 July, in Ezterenzubi de Bajonavarra.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko uztailaren 22a reports that this year’s Garden Day will be the goal of grazing, the heritage of Irati, races such as the black head Manex and the cow Pirena, the collaboration between Garazi and Aezkoa and the promotion of local products. Typically, Board Day is celebrated every two years, but they had to leave the previous edition by COVID-19.

The ikastolas of Donibane Garazi and Azkarate, the Buru Beltza association and the unions of Garazi and Aezkoa have worked together to organize Board Day. Until 2019 it has been held in Irati, but this year it will be held in the same space as in the last edition: Ezterenzubin, Irunpile.

There will be animations, market, children's corner, cabala and cheese competition, dances and craquada. A mountain tour and a meal with local products have also been organised.

The mines of Orbaitze can be visited unreservedly and a photo competition has been organised on the same day.