Put on the erasure and eat
  • "Nai dezu bat boraja loriak? ", wrote between 1906 and 1908 Oriano Iraola Aristigieta in one of the articles he published in the journal Baserritarra. Borago officinalis (Borago officinalis) has been one of the most famous medicinal plants: to soothe cough, diuretics, heart-healthy, sweating…
Jakoba Errekondo 2024ko irailaren 08a
Argazkia: Jakoba Errekondo / ARGIA-CC-BY-SA

The flowers to which Vicoriano refers will come later, towards the end of the winter, but to pick up the recipe from that bowl, collect the flowers and use them when you need them. The renowned pharmacist Pío Font i Quer advises in the bible his famous and medicinal books Medicinal plants, the renovated Dioscorides (medicinal plants, renovated Dioscorides) the formula of sweating: you have to prepare the infusion, very hot and abundant. Boil half a liter of water and add half an ounce (about fifteen grams) of borage. Cover and allow to cool a little. Take as hot as possible, if desired, well protected and wrapped.

In Almanaka Berria, published in Baiona in 1885, it was published: “You have to drink when the cough is: the blizzard, the four flowers or the muddle.” The priest, Jean Elizalde Salaberri, wrote in a series of articles in Zion Herria that were published in Baiona: “Azkaine Assorterria” says: “There’s nothing better against cough than the slave.” It is also known as “murruin” and “morroin”, at least borrai, murrun, porro, bubble, terrible and nettle cabbage.

Most names can be associated with the blur, but I don't know where it can come from misery. The “rough” and the “non-berza” can be associated with one of its main characteristics: the skin is full of upright, rough, sharp, not enough to make wounds, but remarkable. In all your skin: in the trunk, in the leaves and also in the foot of the flowers. Is it because of that “horror” or “horror”? And the comparison with Asuna (Urtica dioica) comes, of course, from the cottages. Full name of cabbage (Brassica spp.) Isn't it because the leaves are also eaten? Eating, although mostly eaten in the south of Navarre, has spread to the whole world. The leaf stem is more appreciated than the leaf, thinner, it is said. People go crazy by pulling their hairs into those peduncles. I don't take care of it, if it has a small thread, I take it away. Take a look: remove the leaves (mix them with vegetables or sprinkle them with garlic), clean the stem well and cook in boiling water, each whatever you want. The scallions also have food, and they're all in.

Now you plant the erasure, like in the outside vegetable garden, in the greenhouse. It's a fast growing vegetable that can be picked up from leaf to leaf until it develops in flower. If you want to pick up the flower as a medicinal herb, not for lots, when the dew evaporates and in a place that is ventilated in the shade and ventilated, dry it and gather it well spread on a paper or fabric. It is advisable to dry quickly to maintain its intense blue color. The wild borage opens up the blue flowers. Those who work for orchards, on the other hand, are white. What is the best medicinal herb? One fact: in flowers, blue is the rarest color; in the 280,000 plant species that propagate the flower, only 10% is blue.