The Bordeaux Academy of Education begins an investigation for performing the oral test in low Basque Country
  • Before the summer, a group of professors launched an initiative to allow students to answer the test in Basque. As the newspaper has reported, the process of investigating what has happened is open.  

Leire Ibar 2024ko urriaren 02a
Baxoa euskaraz egitearen 2023ko manifestazioa

According to the rules, students must prepare two questions, one of which is chosen by the court. The option to speak in Basque is within the oral test of the specialty, but during the exam the students will have to speak in French. Therefore, if the standard is not correctly complied with, only the part of the French test shall be evaluated. The Bordeaux Language Academy has made it clear that the professor who fails to comply with the standard is at risk of a penalty. This rule has been referred to the courts and candidates in the examination centres. In addition, the research process is still in the process of instruction, which has been realized.

In the 2024 oral test, a group of professors promoted an initiative to normalize the use of Euskera. On the occasion of the activity, a hundred professors from different educational systems offered students the possibility to answer oral tests in Basque.

In the opinion of the promoters of the movement, it is necessary to make an effort to normalize the use of Euskera in the lower. The professors have stressed that the presence of Euskera in Basque public education is being normalized. They have therefore appealed to the French Ministry of Education to ensure the use of Euskera. With this, they hope to promote the use of Euskera in the low-level oral test, in the written philosophy exams or in any other test. This initiative highlights the desire to open up new avenues for teachers and students.