Bombing and ammunition throughout the week in the Bardenas shooting range
  • In the Bardenas there will be aircraft from many countries carrying out military war exercises. They will use real bombs and ammunition for this purpose. These tasks will be carried out throughout the week and the Anti-Polygon Assembly has doubts as to whether they will ensure safety. "Sacrifice tests will be carried out in a Natural Park and in a place that is also a Biosphere Reserve," they note.
Maialen Huarte Arano Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2024ko martxoaren 19a

The Anti-Polygon Assembly maintains in a note the request to remove the Bardenas shooting range: "Throughout the week they will conduct military practices to prepare before going to war zones through planes from several countries," they report. Actual ammunition and bombs will be launched from today until Friday. "The shooting range should have been dismantled long ago. What is being done at the center of the Natural Park and at the site of the Biosphere Reserve is total destruction," they warn. Asanblea Bardea has shown concern for people living in neighbouring villages: "We do not even know if security is guaranteed", they have included it in their writing.