The nine peacemakers are fined EUR 800 per trip on the day of the blockade
  • Eleven other peacemakers will be tried on 2 February by the roadblock on 23 July. The Camino de la Paz has called a rally for next Thursday at 13:00 a.m. before the Bayona Audience.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2023ko urtarrilaren 26a
Iazko uztailaren 23an izandako blokeoetariko bat. Trenbidea blokeatzeagatik epaitu zituzten bederatzi aktibista (Argazkia: Jon Urbe / Foku)

The nine peacemakers tried on 15 December last have been punished by a fine of EUR 800 per liver, that is, they will not have to pay provisionally, but if they are re-sentenced yes. On 23 July last year they were tried to block the way and today the judgment has been made public. Through this initiative, Jakes Esnal and Ion Parot had been imprisoned for 32 years to call for the freedom of working prisoners – shortly thereafter, Ion Parot left prison on 13 October and Jakes Esnal on 18 October.

The Via de la Paz placed the trial as an opportunity to explain the choice of civil disobedience and to talk about the Basque conflict: "We have had the lawsuit we wanted; we have questioned the French State". These were the words of Anaiz Funosas, president of Bake Bidea, when he left trial. Attorney Anne-Marie Mendiburu argued "an emergency situation", making it clear that without these civic acts, Esnal and Parot were "sentenced to death". The other peacemakers' lawyer, Hervé Espiet, regretted the "day to day" of the Basque conflict, warning him that "repression of action is a continuous circle".

Daniel Olzomendi, vice-president of tourism of the Basque Country Hiria Elkargoa, Jean-Daniel Elixeri, member of Bake Bidea and Jean Rene Etxegarai, president of the Association of Basque Urban Centres, attended several witnesses to the courts.

Attorney Anne Kayanakis asked late for a fine of €1,500 for each entrepreneur. The railway company SNCF reported the day before its installation as a civil party and asked for compensation of EUR 159,000. That request will be examined on 3 July.

Some two hundred people met in the Dax court to show solidarity with those in Euskal Herria. All nine exculpt with a banner. Here you have the thanks and final review of Anais Funosas:

On 2 February 11 trial peacemakers

On Thursday, eleven other peacemakers will also be tried for the roadway blockade. Solidarity with the Baiona Court from 13:00.

In total, 1,600 citizens joined the Peace Road on 23 July last year and among them were able to block many means of transport, including airports, railways, highways and other roads. 26 people were arrested by French police.