A Basque woman is killed in Castro Urdiales
  • Children aged 13 and 15 are arrested thinking they have been the perpetrators of the crime. He was 48 years old and worked at the Hospital de Cruces in Bilbao.
Ainara Rodil Jaime 2024ko otsailaren 08a
Castro Urdialesen hildako emakumearen etxea, poliziaz inguratuta. / Argazkia: EITB Media

A 48-year-old woman is killed by the force of Castro Urdiales. He was Biscayan and worked at Cruces Hospital. His body appears in a car with signs of violence and his mouth covered. One of her children is 13 years old and is admitted to a facility. The other is 15 years old and detained. It goes ahead of the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office in the next few hours.

On Wednesday the corpse is located inside a car parked in the garage of a home. Mother and child lived there.

News agencies report that at sunset two children called the grandmother by phone and told her they were “kidnapped.” Grandma called the Civil Guard. And they found the woman's car and body that came at 21:00.

Castro Urdiales City Hall has established three days of mourning and suspended this carnival weekend. They have also made a minute’s silence today, 8 February, at 13:00, in front of the city hall. “This is tragic,” said Mayor Susana Herran. He reports that there are no complaints about minors in the social services and that the children were not “conflicting”. In addition, he has conveyed the solidarity of the City Hall and the citizens to the relatives of the deceased and has asked his mother and son for respect.