The ESK trade union denounces that on the night of 3 August there have been no medical doctors at the Coordinating Centre of Osakidetza in Bilbao. This has forced nurses to manage calls and make their own decisions. This is not the first time the situation has occurred according to the union, and therefore ESK requests the “immediate resignation” of the Managing Director and the Head of Personnel.
The union has denounced on its website that “this situation is repeated over and over again” is angry and has repeatedly denounced the saturation of the Focal Points and the great workload of the staff working in these centres. The CSR requests the immediate resignation of the Managing Director, Oscar Aller, and of the Chief of Staff, María Jesús Estefanía, so that “they do not jeopardize citizen security” because the current managers of Osakidetza-Urgencies demonstrate “manifest incompetence”.