Cleaners of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, in the struggle to cancel 25 redundancies
  • The cleaning workers of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia have asked the doors of the Foral Palace to welcome 25 workers "from one day to the next". These workers played a reinforcing role in COVID-19.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2020ko azaroaren 19a
(Argazkia: LAB)

Cleaners of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia have concentrated this Wednesday in front of the institution with a banner in which they read "Lower Deputies, Dismiss Optima and Garbialdi" and distributed leaflets. The workers have expressed their indignation at the fact that "at least 25 workers have been dismissed from the cleaning work carried out in the Provincial Council of Bizkaia". Most of them have been employed in strengthening against COVID-19. However, when the call for tenders has changed, cleaners have denounced that they have been awarded “overnight” contracts.

According to trade union sources, the contract concluded by the bidding company prior to the cleaning service of Diputación Garbialdi ended on 15 November. Consequently, since the day after Optió took up this job, these 25 workers did not want to apply the subrogation clause in their contracts and were dismissed.

Contractually obligatory

The LAB syndicate has pointed out that they would be "obliged by contract" to apply this subrogation to contracts of more than three months duration, since all the dismissed had been "years" of employee in the CAV. Companies have not yet expressed their willingness to comply with the clauses imposed by them.