"The medicalization of life is doping to respond to the current rhythm"
  • Although it is sometimes criticized that doctors prescribe pills too fast and easy, this Primary Care physician has made us a different reading: “Give me that people come to the consultation saying something,” to be able to continue working, to face the responsibilities of care, to overcome anxiety, to be able to sleep… “We are doctors the last poem of people, but we cannot solve the problem of the model of society.”
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2022ko ekainaren 28a

The current pace of life and life often leads us to meditate on ourselves, says physician Aitor Montes. He who has come with a pharyngitis asks him “something powerful” and Montes tells him that if it takes a few quiet days, the pain will go alone. “But I have to take care of my grandchildren,” patient care. In the case of an injury, rehabilitation and assistance to the physiotherapist are due, but there is no fission, rehabilitation and traumatologists are collapsed and also the patient is an autonomous worker who must continue working, has the drug solution.

Not in vain, the more precarious the context, the greater the demand for drugs and pills, “because the people who work in exchange for miserable salaries in working conditions, when they are lost, when they have nowhere to go, because it makes the doctor, we are the last poem, because they have no more blame for them”.

Medicalization is a quick route for those who need rest and care.

Anxiolytics and antidepressants are often demanded by the population and it is women who consume them most. “People tell us they’re very worried, they can’t sleep and give pills.” Says Montes: “What is a social problem we have made it a medical problem.”