Charter of Social Rights
Thousands of people demand the distribution of wealth, convened by various social actors
  • Convened by the Charter of Social Rights of the Basque Country, demonstrations took place on Saturday in Donostia, Bilbao, Pamplona and Vitoria. Over 15,000 people have met and demanded that the Basque Government and the Government of Navarra distribute wealth, dignified living and price control. Half of the workers in the Basque Country do not reach EUR 1,400 and one third of the pensioners also receive less than EUR 1,000. Women are generally the hardest hit because the gender gap is 27% in wages and 37% in pensions.
Lide Iraola 2022ko azaroaren 21
1.400 euroko gutxieneko soldatak eta 1.080eko gutxieneko pentsioak aldarrikatu dituzte Hego Euskal Herriko hiriburuetan. /Argazkia: EH Bildu

“Stop impoverishment! With the motto “The distribution of wealth in the face of the increase of life”, more than 15,000 people have met on Saturday in the capitals of Hego Euskal Herria. The agents who have joined the mobilisations called for by the Charter of Social Rights have demanded a dignified life, price control and tax reform. “While the majority is getting poorer and poorer, a few are having the greatest benefits in history, and it is happening thanks to the clear policies of the Basque Government and the Government of Navarra,” they said.

They recall that more than half of the workforce in the Basque Country lives in a precarious situation, without decent employment and with salaries below EUR 1,400. The situation of pensioners is similar, as the income of 34% does not reach EUR 1,000. According to the Social Rights Charter two weeks ago, in 2021 there are 103,000 more people in poverty than in 2008, 44% more.

On the other side of the coin, remember that in 2021 Ibex 35 companies have increased their profits by 83% compared to 2019, exceeding this year’s profit records. In addition, in the face of the energy crisis, the agents have asked the institutions of the Southern Basque Country to “limit the oligopoly of energy” and establish public price control.

The protests of Vitoria, Bilbao, San Sebastian and Pamplona have joined together. The demonstration in Bilbao culminated in the joint reading of the LAB and ELA unions, with concrete demands: a minimum wage of 1,400 euros, minimum pensions of 1,260 euros and 1,080 euros, closing the gender gap in salaries and pensions, 24% in salaries and 37% in pensions, the universal public network of social health care and surveillance service and the suspension and reduction of income guarantee in Navarre.

Likewise, the Pensioners' Movement of the Basque Country has joined the mobilizations and, in addition to the demonstrations of the capitals, have also taken to the streets in Eibar and Altsasu in a joint call with other associations. The environmental bloc has joined under the slogan "STOP to impoverishment" to demand the energy and universal transition.

Below the video of Voz in the mobilization of Pamplona.

The officers who joined the Saturday demonstration are:

The EH Pensioners' Movement, Euskal Herriko Eskubide Sozialen Karta, ELA, LAB, ESK, STEILAS, ETXALDE, HIRU, CGT, CNT, World Women's March, Bilreas Feminista, Custody of Women