The Socialist Councils organize mobilizations in five capitals against the increase in life
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Kontseilu Sozialistak Donostian maiatzean egindako manifestazioa. Argazkia: Donostiako Kontseilu Sozialista

These demonstrations have been organized to denounce the increase in life. Examples of increased living are rising basic food prices or unemployment and the inability to access housing.

In addition to the denunciation, the Councils have found it necessary to point out to those "responsible for the increase and impoverishment of the working class". They point out that "the situation we live in is not casual and has responsibility." Thus, they say it is “the result of the decisions of entrepreneurs to increase their profits”. They add that "professional politicians and institutions are part of the offensive we are suffering and have responsibility for it".

They say that "the offensive against the working class's living and working conditions is directly related to the lack of organizational conditions of the staff. They point out that it is urgent to promote effective self-defense in the absence of tools to deal with aggression". "Because, in addition to protecting the rights gained from the labour struggle, we must act in favour of quality living conditions for all". They say that "within today's society you cannot guarantee that, although there are capacities for it. On the contrary, it has only been carried out with the help of a rational social organization that puts the welfare of all at the centre. That is the proposal to build a Socialist State."