The Bizia platform has demonstrated in Bilbao to denounce measures against COVID-19
  • Among others, they have criticized that the COVID-19 certificate is “discriminatory” and that “the main media” have “manipulated” the data and narrative of the pandemic. According to the organizers, some 4,000 people have met at the demonstration on Saturday in Bilbao.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko azaroaren 29a
"Gizateriaren aurkako krimenak" salatu dituzte ehunka lagunek. / Argazkia: Bizitza plataforma.

A massive demonstration was held in Bilbao on Saturday in protest at the "aggressive measures against the alleged COVID-19" in the Vizcaine capital. Convened by the Bizia platform, the demonstration was held under the motto “Stop crimes against humanity”, to claim “human rights”. Among others, they have denounced that the COVID-19 vaccine has "serious consequences" and have been shown against the use of the mask. They criticize that the COVID-19 certificate is "discriminatory."

The concentration has started in front of the EITB headquarters, to complain that “the main media” “manipulate” the data and the account of the current situation. According to the organizers, some 4,000 people have joined the demands being made. This same Saturday, the album "Bizia doinuak" was presented, a work in which they sought to gather "a different view of what is heard in the media" since the beginning of the pandemic.