Experience: making visible and working on functional, cultural and sexual diversity
  • Bizipozak brings together a total of 38 special associations and families of children with special needs. In order to make the reality of these families visible and known, a party will be held in April. They also have teaching units and numerous teaching materials to work both at school and at home.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2024ko martxoaren 12a
\"Helburua da denona eta denontzat beharko lukeen gizarte inklusibo bat eraikitzea, euskaratik eta euskaraz\".

Functional diversity, identity, family diversity, sexual orientation, multiculturalism, diseases, death, gender roles… The pedagogical material prepared by the Bizipoza School covers different areas: teaching units, stories (to read and listen) and others, from Infant Education to high-level students, as well as to work in stable classrooms, non-formal education or in the urban sphere.

“Beyond the official curriculum, there is a social curriculum on which it has not yet been written, but which is increasingly present in schools: there are proposals from collectives and agents working in different areas for us to work in school on these issues and values, and Bizipozak has made a proposal organized from the Basque Country – he explained to ARGIA Nora Salbotx, director of the Amaiur school. It is a very powerful, flexible, perfectly organized and well equipped tool.” When it comes to working on this or another concern, when it comes to addressing this or another issue, the Bizipoza School will facilitate the work to the centers, says Salbotx. The Amaiur school itself has participated in the pilot phase of the pedagogical material.

In short, there are also many areas that affect the associations that form Bizipoza: multiple sclerosis, down syndrome, host families, Euskera, animals, cancer, adapted sport, gypsy people, adoption, transsexuality, deafness… Among the associations are Agipase, Arnasa, Aspanogi, Bihotzez, Chernobil, Friends of the Street, Kernetigi,

This Wednesday the Bizipoza School will be presented in Pamplona (Palacio del Condestable, 18:00 hours).

"We get to school proposals from agents working in different fields to work on these issues and values, and Bizipozak has made an organized proposal, from the Basque Country"

In April, festival in Hernani

Bizipozak has also carried out an awareness-raising campaign and in order to socialise the work carried out by the associations, they have organised a festival for 27 April. The party will be in Hernani. “The goal is to build an inclusive society, in Basque and Basque, for all and all.”

The festival is organized around Euskera, solidarity, joy and neighborhood work. An all-day programme is being prepared, divided into several areas. The space of the associations will allow the meeting with the associations; the space of Shows will welcome Porrotx and Marimotots, the dance group Tcarla and the giants and heads of Hernani; and the space of the workshops will be open to everyone who desires, accompanied by the free time group Kanika.

The Bizipoza association has also pointed out that volunteers will be welcome. Interested people can call 688 733 696 or write to