The Municipal Police of Donostia-San Sebastián has identified and attacked a minor for listening to music by bicycle
  • The police attacked a minor in Donostia-San Sebastian for listening to music by bicycle and not carrying his ID in the Gipuzkoan capital.
Oihane Arretxea Bereziartua @oihane_arretxea 2021eko apirilaren 09a

On Thursday morning, in the Donostia district of Amara Zaharra, traffic agents arrested a young man riding a bicycle with a handset. The minor, in the absence of NID, showed them the transport card in which he identified himself as such. The police, however, called the Municipal Police, who violently threw her to the ground and shook her in the car, telling her that they would take her to the dungeon.

The friends of the young woman and several people who were in Easo Square have recorded what happened and spread it through social networks. The child had several facial contusions, a lip fracture and several strokes and threats in the car, according to the same sources. As you can see in the videos, the young man, on the floor, has three municipal police officers on top of him holding his arms and legs while screaming: