A workshop to recycle and repair bicycles claims sustainable mobility in Irun
  • The Irun-Hondarribia Brakes Association, which has been fighting for the frontline of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport for five years, has taken a new step: it has achieved the site and opened a workshop for the renewal of old bicycles and self-repair, based on the system of partners and another step in the “transition to sustainable mobility”.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2021eko azaroaren 09a
Argazkia: Balazta

“Defending the safety of cyclists and promoting the use of bicycles” since 2016 the association in favor of the Bidasoa Frena bike. It continues to fight and debate with the municipalities so that the urban models put aside the preponderance of the car and promote a different mobility, hoping to see one day the cycling connection between the three towns of Hondarribia Txingudi Bay, Hendaia, Irun and Hondarribia.

100 bicycles

Now, they have launched the old bicycle renewal project and the bicycle repair workshop, taking advantage of the seat of the City Hall of Irun, as well as buying cheap parts or second-hand bicycles. About a hundred old bicycles have been purchased to recycle and give a new life.

Brake is based on a membership system and will cost 20 euros a year to the rider (10 euros a year if he is unemployed or a student).

It is not Irun's only project of this kind. Repair and mutual learning workshops for bicycles have been set up in several localities, both autonomously and with the help of other partners. For example, Hendaya’s Recy’clarte association has experience in the recovery of second-hand bicycles, and Brake wants to strengthen contact with it.