It's not abertzale, but it instrumentalizes nationalist ideas and images.
HerriBiltza 2023ko irailaren 25a

“Iñon is not in the subalterna, himself,

We all come together without the future.”

Joxean Artze / Mikel Laboa

These are our observations on the letter of 8 September of the vital movement “Sovereignty(s): what we want to prioritize”.

“Honestly, there is no reason to think that the institutional sovereignty of smaller territories such as the Basque Country is a priori better,” says Bizi, who makes clear sovereignty, that is, that independence is not a priority, but independence, and does not speak again of the Basque people, but of the Basque territory.

When the pro-independence Gandhi told the United Kingdom's highest representative that he had to leave India, the representative, if the United Kingdom moved, replied that the sovereign India had internal problems, and then Gandhi said: “We may be denied internal problems, but ultimately our problems will be, not yours.” In this respect, we do not know with the sovereign institutions whether the situation in the Basque Country will be better, but in the end it will depend on what we have decided, and we sincerely believe that without sovereign institutions the situation will be a priori worse. That is why, among other things, we are nationalists. In fact, according to the dictionary of Euskaltzaindia, to be abertzale is, above all, to reclaim and build independent institutions to govern us as a Basque people.

Bizi says he is working so that the Abertzales and non-nationalists together define the same project of sustainable and just territory for the Basque Country.” We talk to those who are not nationalists, but first to understand that the authorities of the states of France and Spain oppress Euskal Herria, and we are working with nationalists to build our sovereign institutions as a people and to deal with the capitalists who are dismantling the planet.

The criticism we have made of Bizi about the misleading concepts of representative democracy and participatory democracy would be of interest to us to respond, but he has not.

Since 1996, Via Campesina (and not beyond 1993 as Bizi says) began to spread the idea of food sovereignty. Bizi says it goes in line with that idea. High, in the world forums on food sovereignty organized in Rome in 2002 and in Mali in 2007, the definition of food sovereignty included the right of peoples to define and develop their public policies for cultivation and food with full autonomy; the right to the necessary institutional instruments.

We do not attend the event organized by Bizik on 7 and 8 October in Baiona,
as we will be in Villabona, where Euskal Herrian Euskaraz is organized with the motto: independence

The idea of food sovereignty therefore includes the idea of sovereign institutions of peoples. We believe that the Bizi project is not going there, because it does not speak of the right of the Basque people to rule.

We are surprised to see that Bizi wrote his document “Euskal Herria Soberana” in 2018, has now been publicly criticized and, as if it were obsolete. Alta, Bizi announced in January and June the act “Euskal Herria Soberana” of October, highlighting the connection between said act and its document. In addition, since 2018 Bizi has been making a public dissemination of this document, the last one on July 19.

Expressing “To that recovery of the conditions of our lives we call sovereignty,” Bizi depoliticizes the idea of sovereignty and gives his rumour to the idea of sovereignty. Alta, the word sovereignty in Euskal Herria has long been used with its real political rumor (independence). In the same vein, Bizi uses the image of the seven Basque Peoples with the compassion of the territory, an image that leads from time immemorial to the Basque people.

The vital movement is not nationalist; therefore, in our opinion, it should stop using the slogan “Euskal Herria Burujaba”, because it is an absolutely nationalist slogan; if not, it would continue to cast nationalism out of content. But we think Bizi can do something better. become Abertzale! Welcome!

We did not attend the event organized by Bizi in Baiona on October 7 and 8, because we did not think “Independent” of Bizi. That the project “Recovering our living conditions” does not allow us to recover our living conditions (see second criticism to this project in URL 0), but during those days we will be in Villabona, where Euskaraz organizes the event, with the motto: independence.

Independent Basque Town of Revenue: Independence Commission