The pelotari Bixintxo Bilbao uses the sanction for removing the ikurrina
  • The news has spread like a stake in the ballroom, both north and south: “Bixintxo Bilbao has been sanctioned at the World Cup for spreading ikurrina on the podium.” In 2018, he became world champion with his partner, Peio Larralde.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko otsailaren 25
Bixintxo Bilbao Frantziako Selekzioko euskal kideekin Trinketeko Munduko Txapelketako urrezko dominak Mexikoko selekzioaren aurka irabazi ondoren. Argazkia: Marie-Claude Delbos.

The International Federation of Basque Ball (EPNF) has described as “serious infringement” the fact that the pelotari Bixintxo Bilbao has placed ikurriña in the Barcelona World Cup during the awards ceremony.

The 27-year-old Bixintxo Bilbao ziburutarra won in the ratchet mode with Peio Larralde and was eliminated in the female category.

The French Football Federation has also joined the FVF decision. According to the Federation, the regulations do not allow any other signs of identity to appear than those of the federation.

Bilbao has appealed today for the sanctions imposed by the federations before the Federal Basketball Committee.

Several ball associations, pelotaris and friends of Hegoalde and Iparralde have shown their support for the ball as soon as the news is known: “My presence was natural, on the podium I agreed with my values and appeared as I am,” said Bilbao. The condemnation imposed has led to the anger of many Basque citizens, who have not been able to attend the meeting.

If the punishment was complied with, the pelotari labortano would stay out of the competitions for a year and a half.

On October 20, 2018, matches of the World Championship were played by pairs in the Vall d'Hebron fronton in Barcelona. Bilbao took the gold medal at the World Cup final. The French representatives defeated the Mexican team in two matches. Together with Bilbao, Mathieu ospital, Peio Gixandut and Peio Larralde were in charge of shaping the French team that the Euroleague has won.