Bixente Serrano IZKO, in the ETB-2 program
  • The event, organized by the history institute Gerónimo Ustariz, the Eusko Kultur Fundazioa Foundation and the editorial Pamiela, will take place this Friday, at 18:00 hours, in the Katakrak space of Pamplona.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko irailaren 11
Argazkia: Guaixe Argazkia: Guaixe

Under the title “Bixente Serrano Izko: History, Dissemination and Creativity”, a round table will be held with the participation of representatives of the three institutions in which the figure of the deceased Navarre professor, historian and politician will be analyzed in early June. By Gerónimo Ustariz will attend Josu Chueca, by Eusko Kultura Amaia Álvarez and by Pamiela Pello Eltzaburu.

Serrano Izko (1948-2020) made a long career in Basque politics, being a militant of ETA in his youth during Franco, and later worked in Euskadiko Ezkerra, Auzolan, Nafarroa Bai and Geroa Bai. He was a member of the Congress of Deputies in 2015, replacing Uxue Barkos, who would take over the presidency of the Government of Navarra.

For years he worked as a professor of public education in Navarre, devoted much of his time to historical dissemination, among other things in ARGIA, and he also wrote several books.