Bixente Serrano Izko: historian, divulgator and creator
  • Bixente Serrano died in early June in Pamplona/Iruña and on 11 September he was honored by his relatives in the Katakrak Hall of the Navarra capital. This round table paid tribute to the historian, populariser and creator.
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Historian Josu Chueca, member of Eusko Kultur Amaia Álvarez and editor of Pamiela Pello Eltzaburu addressed the work done by Bixente Serrano IZKO in the three aforementioned areas, under the direction of Nerea Pérez, president of the Gerónimo de Ustariz History Institute. Besides the diners, as well as the public, there were many citizens who confirmed their relationship with Serrano Izko. He carried out numerous outreach works, among others in ARGIA.

Here is the video of the Eusko Kultur Foundation round table: