International Recycling Day denounces that San Sebastian is the city that recycles the least in Gipuzkoa
  • The International Recycling Day has been concentrated in front of the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián, called by the Movement Against Incineration, to denounce that throughout Gipuzkoa it is the capital that recycles the least and the most mixed waste generates.
Zero Zabor @zero_zabor 2021eko maiatzaren 17a
Astelehenean goizeko 10:00etatik eguerdiko 13:00etara egin dute elkarretaratzea Donostiako udaletxe atarian, Errausketaren Aurkako Mugimenduak deituta. (Argazkia: ESK)

The Donostiarra capital is, according to repeated denunciations of popular movements, the municipality that least recycle in Gipuzkoa. Over the years, things do not improve in a municipality that wants to show itself as an example of tourism and sustainability, and that is why in 2021 on International Recycling Day they have required municipal authorities to solve this unfortunate waste management in the portal of their headquarters.


Donostia-San Sebastián, with the worst rates of reuse, composting and waste recycling in Gipuzkoa, has two incinerators in its municipal area: The Zubieta incinerator and the cement factory Cementos Rezola de Añorga.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has also celebrated International Recycling Day, stressing the importance of citizen awareness: