The Biomendi pig farm has treated 80,000 tonnes of industrial waste, although its authorization is for 33,000 tonnes
  • On 16 December the Platform Against the Macro-Farms of Navarre has concentrated on the pig farm and bio-metering Biomendi de MendigorrĂ­a. In the same complaint as in Biomendi in 2022, 80,000 tons of organic industrial waste was treated, although it only has an authorization of 33,000 tons, and in 2010 it was designed to treat 16,000 tons. In the words of the platform, "this demonstrates how a purine treatment plant has been conceived as an industrial waste treatment plant". Many of these waste come from other autonomous communities.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko abenduaren 20a
Nafarroako Makroetxaldeen Aurkako Plataformak abenduaren 16an egindako elkarretaratzea. Irudi honetan ikusten den Bizkaiko enpresa baten hondakin kamioi-zisternak frogatzen du beste erkidegoetatik ere eramaten dituztela hondakin industrial-organikoak Biomendira.

On 16 December a concentration was held before Biomendi (pig farm and MendigorrĂ­a bio-metering facility), convened by the Platform Against Macro-Farms of Navarra, involving citizens participating in a training cycle on food sovereignty and territorial defence.

As explained by the Platform against Macro-Farms in its press release, 80,000 tonnes of organic industrial waste were treated in Biomendi in 2022, although only 33,000 tonnes are permitted, and was designed to treat 16,000 tonnes in 2010, with grants from Sodena (limited financial support company of the Government of Navarra).

"This shows how the slurry treatment plant has become an industrial waste treatment plant, many of which come from other autonomous communities. Proof of this is the image of last Saturday in which the waste truck tank of a Biscay company appears," the platform has denounced.

A model that spreads pollution

"The digestates resulting from these plants are subsequently poured into nearby cultivation grounds, causing serious pollution problems in surface and groundwater, adding to soil and biodiversity, etc. he highlighted the platform.

Warn that the agricultural and industrial livestock model is a problem: "Because, far from being a model aimed at meeting the food needs of its citizens, it is oriented towards the production of goods for the global market. So today in Navarra we have 850,000 pigs. More than people. Mostly for export. And the largest dairy farm in Europe is in Caparroso, with over 7,000 heads. This model drowns small farms and pollutes the natural resources essential for life and food. Another model is possible and necessary."

They make the following point known: "Livestock for an extensive agroecological model, Km 0 and other public policies! No big farms! Neither here nor anywhere! ".