"Bioconstruction is something that has always existed."
  • Aware of the environmental and human impact of the current construction industries, the youth of ehBioeraikitzen propose another more sustainable and natural model: buildings with post-home materials.
Hiruka .eus 2021eko urtarrilaren 07a
Auzolanak egiten dituzte herritarren artean errdu hori zabaltzeko. © EHBIOERAIKITZEN Auzolanak egiten dituzte herritarren artean errdu hori zabaltzeko. © EHBIOERAIKITZEN

The ehBioerakitzen association consists of a group of young people from different disciplines: architects, fine arts, psychologists and engineers, but all have the same objective: to defend the environment through a more sustainable construction model. To do this, Antxon Alkalde, architect of the association, has resorted to the materials that can be found next to the house and the roots of the building. They use simple materials such as straw, clay and lime to do their jobs: "They're materials that have always been there, but industrialization has replaced them with other materials, which doesn't mean they're worse," he added.

Alkalde says it is very much related to waste, as the construction industry generates many of the waste that ends up in landfills. As for bioconstruction, the materials used can be recycled on-site. "In addition, they're healthier because we hardly need to adapt them and because we don't put any chemicals in there," he added.

To disseminate these initiatives, from ehBioeraken they share courses, auzolans and private projects. In this way, the people of the association contribute materials and experience to promote projects through the auzolan and the courses.

This weekend, on 9 and 10 January, a workshop will be held in Meñaka to learn how to make partitions with varied natural materials and techniques. Alkalde has anticipated that such courses, cooperation projects and development cooperation projects will also be carried out later on in order to improve quality.