Bildarratz, condemned to imbalance?
Ordiziako Eskola Publikoko Guraso Elkarteak 2023ko martxoaren 09a

The Government ' s plan to address segregation will barely reduce the serious imbalance in Ordizia by 20 years.

The imbalance at source between schools in Ordizia is 31.5 percentage points. It has grown 25.5 points in the last eight school years. There is an imbalance of 48 percentage points in the Basque knowledge of the families of each school. As for the distribution of students and families with social needs, inequality is even greater.

Concerned about the serious imbalances between the schools of Ordizia and the people, depending on their origin, knowledge of the language and socio-economic situation, in recent years we have constantly resorted to those responsible for education of the Government calling for measures to reverse the situation. Ararteko has also drawn attention to them on more than one occasion.

Nine months ago, in the context of the hypothetical Education Act, we asked the Department of Education to know the influence that the Government was developing could have on our country and on the imbalance between the centres. We wanted to know the details of the enrollment area, the explanation of the vulnerability index to be implemented in Ordizia and in each center, the classrooms and research lines to be planned in each school and their possible influence on the imbalance. Since then we have twice called for an urgent meeting. Because at first we didn't have information about it. And then, because we were very concerned about the information we received and the information we got ourselves. We have not yet received a reply.

In early February, we learned about the vulnerability rate of our enrollment area. The index of the Ordizia enrollment area is 15.96% and the principal weight of the index falls, as is normal, over the Public School. Interestingly, at that time, few knew how this ditxos index is calculated, and there are still not many who know much, either how it is calculated, how it is to be applied exactly, or how the places to reserve for vulnerable and non-vulnerable students, and much less how the application of this index will influence.

Only 35% of Elementary and Children students from the Public School have a Vasco-speaking parent or guardian

Although educational leaders have been asked for nine months ago, Ararteko has had to explain how the Department of Education will apply the index and how the reserve places for vulnerable and non-vulnerable students will be calculated. Knowledge of how the index is produced seems more complicated than knowing the Coca-Cola formula.

In any case, can anyone explain that Ordizia has a migration rate of 18.5% and that 30.2% of the families of children from Early Childhood and Primary Education have their origin abroad, Ordizia's vulnerability rate is 15.96%?

In the last five years, the use of Euskera among local children has dropped by 5 points. 59% of children and primary school students have a Basque parent or tutor, 2 percentage points below the general population's level of Basque knowledge. Only 35% of Elementary and Child students from the Public School have a Vasco-speaking parent or guardian. Almost all students or families with social needs are in the Public School.

If so, how can the Department of Education establish this index for Ordizia with an average vulnerability rate of 15% in the CAPV? What does this mean that the situation in Ordizia is similar to the CAPV average?

In any case, let us ignore the numbers and see how the application of this index can influence the direction of imbalances, which is what really matters.

According to the Department of Education, the difference between the centers and the area index determines the number of places to reserve for vulnerable students in 2nd Child Education. In Ordizia this figure is around six seats. However, in recent courses the Ikastola de Ordizia has already had about six students from families of foreign origin.

The “star tools” launched by the Department of Education to address the imbalance not only does not solve the imbalance but perpetuates it

Therefore, the index established by the Department of Education for Ordizia would have no effect on channeling inequality or, at best, very little. If the difference between the centre and the registration area index is greater than 10 per cent, the Government says that places to reserve will be limited to a maximum of 10 per cent. In this case, the maximum number of places to book would be five. Notice!

Therefore, the “star tool” launched by the Department of Education to address the imbalance not only does not resolve the imbalance in Ordizia, but perpetuates it. The application of the vulnerability index alone will not lead to any imbalance in three, five, ten or 20 years.

All this taking into account only the vulnerability rate. In fact, the Department of Education has chosen to organize the planning of the posts and education lines of each centre on the basis of demand, with the excuse of properly distributing the pupils registered from the beginning of the school year and of opening up the possibility of ex officio modifying the planning of the concerted centres. This may further worsen the Ordizia imbalance or make it irreparable.

As we have repeatedly told the Department of Education, and in the public square, in order to channel the imbalance in Ordizia, the Government has to influence planning, delineate concerted teaching posts and learning lines, and distribute equally between the two centres vulnerable and non-vulnerable students in origin, language and socio-economic situation.

Once the above conditions are met, the vulnerability index can serve for a balanced distribution of students. To this end, this rate should exceed twice that established by the Department of Education in Ordizia, around 38 per cent.

How does the Department of Education think about the imbalance in Ordizia? How to promote the inclusion of students from different backgrounds in the school environment and in the municipality? How to enhance the knowledge and use of Euskera in each educational center and in the municipality? How to favor the relationship between students from different socioeconomic situations, mutual knowledge and the creation of support conditions?

Mr Bildarratz, we will not allow ourselves to condemn the imbalance. Ordizia plays the present and future of the Public School, coexistence in Ordizia, equality, social justice, inclusion and Euskaldunization.

Ampas of the Ordizia Public School