Eduardo Gaviña 'Yogurinha Borova'
"When I came to Bilbao nights were wonderful, today they're very boring."
  • Eduardo Gaviña (Laudio, 1969) is a photographer, actor, singer and, above all, cabarista.Conoceremos to Yogurinha Borova and we will be able to see her in the evenings of Bilbao singing the song 'Eraso sexistarik ez', which has had a great public success. @uriolaeus 2018ko urriaren 05

Yogurinha Borova has been working on the stage for years. The character emerged in the Las Fellini group in 1994, in Bilbao. "I came from Laudio to Bilbao, in those days this was great. Many times I was going to see Las Fellini and eventually I was invited to join the group. At first, he participated in the show Spice Gays and emerged when they saw the need to name the characters of the band.



Since then, in the bars and other halls of Bilbao there were shows, bachelor parties and party amenities. After ten years he has left the group and has been a singer. He decided to work in Basque and the success of the song 'Eraso sexistarik ez' opened the doors to him: "This year I have worked a lot, I have been in several towns of Gipuzkoa, and people came from other towns to see me, it has been wonderful."

However, he explained that the work of the transformists is hard. "When I came to Bilbao the nights of Bilbao were wonderful. Today they're very boring, there's no environment and it's hard to find a job. But every Friday you can see Yogurinha Borova. In fact, during those nights he performs his show at the Key bar, located at the back of the City Hall, on Cristo Street.

In addition, a new disk is being prepared. He explained that with music you can't live, so it deals with the topics that he loves the most. Eduardo says he likes more than creating and is happy when he listens to his songs from the street. Finally, Eduardo has made it clear that he will continue to take pictures and his work will be exposed at the bar 'Bira' in the exhibition to be held this December.

This interview was posted by Uriola and we brought it thanks to the Creative Commons license.