They express their solidarity with the family that suffered the racist aggression of the Ertzaintza in Bilbao
  • On 29 March, an Ertzaintza patrol attacked a young man from the San Francisco bilbaíno district and his mother in Bilbao. Euskal Herria was at that time in full confinement and the images of police aggression in the street in the light of the day spread on social networks. This Tuesday they held a concentration before the courts in Bilbao in solidarity with the attacked family, under the motto “We are fed up with police racism. No to impunity!”
ARGIA @argia 2020ko uztailaren 08a
Bilbon arrazakeria polizialaren aurka egindako elkarretaratzea (argazkia: Ecuador Etxea).

The concentration has denounced the systematic criminalization suffered by migrants as a result of gender violence. “We are here today with Fatima and Salman to say that they are not alone, that their pain is ours, that what happened on March 29 will not be forgotten, nor will it fall into the dark hole of impunity,” they said in a statement gathered by Naiz.

At the time of the aggression, thanks were given to the citizens who supported the family – the Ertzaintza has charged three of them for “attack on authority” and “insults”; other neighbours were also fined for “insults”.

A concentration in Bilbao has denounced, inter alia, the constant identification, registration and aggression carried out by the police on racialized persons. “Every day human rights and legal guarantees are violated,” they explained.