City Hall of Bilbao, women and street
Paulo Alberdi Sololuze 2021eko abuztuaren 11

Last autumn, at the session of 29 October, the plenary session of the Bilbaíno Council unanimously approved that the names of women were the preferred ones to the new streets, squares and infrastructures of the city. From the watchtower itself, all the municipal groups recognized the importance of promoting equality in the street and, despite the nuances, they all joined the initiative.

In this regard, we have recently learned that the City Hall is going to give the name of Galleteras to the Avenida Mayor de Zorrotzaurre, at the request of some neighbours. The aim of this appointment is to pay tribute to the women of the historic Artiach factory and its activity, as has recently been done with the pier dedicated to the pendants on the other side of the river.

In 2017, Zirgariak was named to the port of Olabeaga. Until then it was called Alfonso Churruca, in honor of the engineer who received the title of Conde del Abra from Franco's hands, but the historical memory law forced the City Hall to seek a different name from the women who worked in the area and the boats.

Welcome to the Gazetteur of the city and welcome to the Gallethers, even more so if they are chosen on the initiative of the neighbours. As the councillor for participation in the City Hall recalled in last year’s session, the city streets have received the name of woman in 7 of the last 9 appointments: Julieta Berrojalbiz, Benita Assisi, Clara Campoamor, Yolanda González, Alazne López, Estitxu and Lucia Yarza; another is also toponnima with female article, the bridge of La Salve.

"We are the capital of our environment with the smallest number of women on the street. In fact, only 28 of the 915 streets of Bilbao have a woman's name."

Advances, we cannot forget that we are the capital of our environment with the least number of women on the street. In fact, only 28 of the 915 streets of Bilbao have a woman’s name, that is, 3% of the streets of the Basque capital. The percentage is almost double in Vitoria-Gasteiz, 5’7%, without considering that last year it was inscribed on March 8 in the avenue of tribute to King Juan Carlos I. They have a slightly higher percentage than the previous two in both Donostia-San Sebastián and Pamplona/Iruña.

The amendment will be extended, as provided for by the City Hall, limiting itself to the mere naming of the new spaces. In the meantime, we cannot say that we do not have a name that has generated controversy in the city’s gazetter. We have dozens of them as uncomfortable as Alfonso Churruca. I am led by, among others, the mayor of the time of the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera, Federico Moyua, and the Navarro general who participated in the site of Bilbao, Benito Eraso.

As if it were not enough, in the city we also have streets without names. In the Uribarri neighborhood, for example, we have three crossings, called A, B and C. In 1930 they received this modest name – the first A, the second B, the third C – and have remained so until today.

In view of the above, and without going into running water, I would like to make a proposal to the municipal representatives: Give the name of woman to the Uribarri A, B and C travesías. Just in case, and to finish the proposal, I have brought three candidates.

Bizenta Mogel crossing. Born in Azkoitia in 1782, Bizenta Mogel was undoubtedly an advanced woman. At only 22 years old he translated from Latin some fables from Esopo (Ipuin onac, 1804) and, consequently, is the first woman to publish in Basque. In the private sector, in 1817 he married Abando and lived there for almost 40 years, until his death in 1854. Even if it sounds amazing, Bizenta Mogel has its street in Donostia-San Sebastián and in Vitoria-Gasteiz, but not in Bilbao, where the Biscay capital is located.

Traverse of Basque racketeers. These pelotaris that achieved great success in the first half of the twentieth century have been lost in oblivion. However, we have reason to remember their actions: they were the first female professional athletes among us. Certainly, the ideal would be to pay homage to the entire group of racketeers, but if you need a specific person, the experts in the matter opt for Antonia Uzkudun, Chiquita de Anoeta, the most outstanding.

Journey of Duchess Athool. Scottish Katharine Marjory Ramsay played an important role in bringing the Civil War front closer to the city, so that the children of Bilbao flee to England. Duchess Athool was the head of the ‘s Comittee’ Basques Children and, thanks to this partnership, in the spring of 1937, hundreds of children managed to escape exile on the Havana boat from the port of Santurtzi.

I know that this proposal to change the name to three streets will not fundamentally change the situation of our city’s Gazetteer, but, like our municipal representatives, I also think that in the case of the streets the smallest steps can be significant.

With the confidence that the writing will be well received, on August 10, 2021 I sent a copy of this text to the City Council of Bilbao and a backup to the magazine ARGIA.