They call for the cessation of the Bilbao Security Council for justifying the “excessive intervention” of the police against the street
  • Several agents have called for the cessation of Security Councilor Amaia Arrangi, who “legitimizes and justifies” the “excessive and violent” police intervention against those who had recently been selling in the Casco Viejo de Bilbao.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2023ko uztailaren 04a
Ekainaren 18an, kale salmentan lasai ari ziren pertsonen aurka oldartu zen Udaltzaingoa, Ertzaintzak lagunduta. Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea

On June 18, ten police cars and dozens of agents entered the Casco Viejo and the Municipal Guard faced quiet people in the sale of streets with the help of the Ertzaintza. Several citizens faced the attack and arrested one person and identified two.

These “serious” events have now been denounced and claimed by SOS Racism, Ongi Etorri Refugees, Sarean, Novisi and other associations in a letter to Juan Mari Aburto. The police are accused of using undue violence against the manteres, unduly harnessing their authority. Aburto has been reminded that street people have this trade because the Aliens Act and the racist institutional obstacles condemn it to change the situation “with the help of the lack of will of the City Hall”.

Amaia Arrangi, Councillor for Security of the City of Bilbao, has denounced the statements made, claiming that the Police is justifying and legitimizing the intervention of the neighbors and neighbors, claiming that “one person asked for it”. They ask the mayor to stop Arrangi.

Racist abuses, routine

The abuse of force and racist intervention by the police is not new and many have denounced it in Bilbao. The signatory associations therefore request that police abuses be reported without fear of reprisal and that these complaints be properly investigated. They also call for the annulment of racist networks and identifications and for the termination of the illegal evictions that the police does by force without judicial authorization.


Police cars entering the Old Town of Bilbao on June 18. Photo: SOS Racism of Bizkaia