The Okupación Office of Bilbao denounces the attempted eviction of Abadiño
  • The owner who hired the desokupa has been denounced for "violating the rights of the residence and residents, doing it arbitrarily and threatening". Along with the owner, the company has also been denounced for the same crimes that have been committed. @uriolaeus 2021eko maiatzaren 19a
Desokupako zenbait kide Abadiñon (Argazkia: Desokupa)

On April 15, the homeowner of Abadiño hired Desokupa to unlawfully evict the house. The Okupación Office of Bilbao has reported that its occupants were threatened and coerced by their partners or ex-partners.

A few days after the attempted illegal eviction, the tenants of the house returned to the site. According to the Okupación Office of Bilbao, “after having paid a fortune without any result, owners who refuse legal remedies will have to face the legal consequences”.