The streets of Bilbao have screamed out loud: Proud is not Pride!
  • Thousands of people, called by the Harro platform, have gathered in the streets of Bilbao to protest at the EPOA (European Pride Organisers Association) congress. In addition to denouncing pinkwashing and pink capitalism, shouts of LGTB and anti-capitalist have been heard in the streets of the Biscayan capital. @topatu_eus 2019ko irailaren 23a

Thousands of people have demonstrated in Bilbao against the EuroPride project, convened by the Harro platform, the transmaribollo platform of the Basque peoples. The road from Arriaga to Kasilda has been filled with color, shouting and clamoring, while EPOA is holding a congress in the Gipuzkoan capital.

The protesters have left the Arriaga and have travelled the way to Kasilda, filling the streets of Bilbao with the cries of "Anti-capitalist", "Harro ez da Pride" and "we are not on sale", and have ended up in front of the venue of the EPOA congress. Representatives of the Biscay Inter-Trade Union Metal on strike have also taken part in the event. They themselves have mobilized throughout the morning, and in the search for alliances for the struggles the members of Harroko have also been present.

Projects like Pride have tried with this mobilization to depoliticize the LGTB movement and denounce its use for exclusively capitalist purposes, and against this they have claimed anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-fascist and dissident LGTB movements of bodies and identities. The spokesmen of the platform have assured us that this struggle has only just begun and that they will continue to take the streets of the Vizcain capital.