Chained in the Bilbao Palace of Justice to denounce patriarchal justice
  • To denounce the “chauvinist and oppressive character” of the judicial system, several women* of the youth organization of the Left Abertzale have been chained at the gates of the Palace of Justice of Buenos Aires Street.
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"Close the doors to patriarchal injustice. Young girls* have done this action under the slogan "Feminist Self-Defense". While most of the participants in the action were tied to the building’s doors, two of them have been sprayed with red paint.

The action has taken place on the doorstep of the International Day against Violence against Women, although they have stressed that the feminist struggle must take place every day of the year: “On November 25 and every day, long live the feminist struggle!”

"Sometimes judges victimize us, sometimes they hold us responsible for the aggression suffered and they protect us from the aggressors. He has told us over and over again that he did not believe us, a court that should have no role but to protect us!” they have denounced on social media.