The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has decided to abolish the measure of inclusion of distinctive colours in the judgments on gender violence in Bilbao
  • The two Courts of Violence against Women in Bilbao have approved this measure, which is already open. The Dean judge of Bilbao, Aner Uriarte, has assured that the measure has been adopted with the aim of protecting and not revictimizing women, but the Bar Association of Bilbao has denounced that it calls into question the presumption of innocence and the “dignity” of the investigated.
Julen Ugartemendia Carcedo 2024ko abuztuaren 30
Bilboko Justizia Auzitegian salatua eta salatzailea ez elkartzeko helburuarekin onartu dela neurria azaldu du Bilboko epaile dekano Aner Uriartek. Argazkia: Wikipedia Commons

The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country (TSJPV) will lift the measure of application of colour badges to those investigated for male violence, after the Bar Association of Bilbao requested its “immediate withdrawal”. The two Women's Violence Courts in Bilbao approved this measure and granted color badges to the defendants, lawyers and witnesses who were going to appear in the Machista violence courts. Bilbao's Dean Judge, Aner Uriarte, spoke to the agency Efe and explained that the measure has been applied so that officials know "who is who" in each case, to avoid the meeting between the complainant and the complainant and to protect the woman and not to revictimize her. “If it’s hard to report and accuse you of certain facts that can lead your partner or former partner to prison, it’s harder to suddenly find yourself in court when you’re going to testify against him,” Uriarte said.

The Bar Association of Bilbao denounced that this measure "leaves the investigators marked and marked" before the rest of the people for these courts and violates the presumption of innocence of the investigators and jeopardizes "their dignity". Regarding the possibility of wearing badges, lawyers claim that it is "absolutely far from respect and kindness" and that it is "inadequate and useless". They say it is “legally and ethically reprehensible.”

The General Council of the State Lawyer has also opposed this measure and has denounced that it "undermines the dignity of the profession, an obligation that is imposed only on legal professionals and not on all legal operators". The Bilbao Bar Association has come together to ensure that lawyers already have the professional identification card and access to the courts.