Violent racist aggression in Rekalde (Bilbao): Black man beaten by six people
  • SOS Racism Bizkaia has denounced racist aggression against a black man in the Rekalde bilbaíno district. The victim had to be transferred to the Basurto Hospital, where she was attacked by six young people, according to the Basque Department of Security.
Oihane Arretxea Bereziartua @oihane_arretxea 2021eko otsailaren 19a
Argazkia: SOS Arrazakeria

On Thursday, Sos Racism Bizkaia announced a press release denouncing the "brutal" racist aggression against a black man in the Rekalde Bilbaíno district. The victim is a 52-year-old man of Colombian nationality who has been arrested.

The events occurred at about 20:30 hours when the victim came to visit a one-story friend on Sollube Street. As he left the portal, a 24-year-old, traveling with his dog, asked him if he lived in the area. The man replied no and explained that he was coming from a friend's house. Then, the neighbor asked him what he was doing on the site and the victim replied that it was not for him to inform him of his street movements. The young man replied: -If the dog barks, it will be for something that is not good.

While the victim was heading to his car, the young man followed him, asking him several times what he was doing at the scene. In the corner of Esperanto and León de Uruñuela Street, the young man arrinconstricted him against a shutter, grabbing him by the neck. The victim tried to escape and the aggressor said "He was a thief! ". He shouted.

At that time, the aggressor's friends appeared and all of them proceeded to beat him, six young people between 20 and 25 years old, five men and one woman, who were slightly injured. The victim had multiple blows on his face and body, so he rushed to Serantes Street to prevent him from escaping. One of the assailants once again hit the young woman, tore the t-shirt and threw it to the ground, where she was arrested. The victim suffered a severe blow to the knee and head against the sidewalk pole.

Shortly afterwards, by chance, a Municipal Police patrol appeared that called the ambulance to come to the lugar.La victim was transferred to the Basurto Hospital, where she was admitted with a reserved prognosis. According to the lesion part, the patient presented cranioencephalic trauma, chest trauma, facial wounds, knee contusion and wound, polycontusions and tooth fracture.

The SOS Racism association, for its part, has denounced that it is a "racist aggression". This fact, as he stressed, shows "clearly the persistence of violence and structural discrimination suffered by the population with different racial characteristics". "This kind of conduct cannot be tolerated under any circumstances and we strongly condemn these facts," said the members of the association, who have asked for investigation and not for punishment.