Gaztetxe 7Katu of Bilbao celebrates its 13th anniversary
  • The Gaztetxe del Casco Viejo de Bilbao celebrates thirteen years this year. From 27 January to 2 February, the members of the 7Katu have prepared a comprehensive programme to mark this anniversary. @topatu_eus 2020ko urtarrilaren 10
Argazkia: 7Katu

Gaztetxe 7Katu is thirteen years old and members of the gaztetxe have organised a programme to celebrate the anniversary from 27 January to 2 February. - Thirteen! Under the motto 'En Jake', different activities will be carried out during those days.

The programme will start on Monday, 27 January. At 19:00, the subject of the general strike will be addressed under the motto "Work, pensions, dignified life!" At the round table. It will involve members of Ernai, the Feminist Coordinator of Bilbao, the pensioners’ movement and the dynamic Gora Ikasle on Borroka. On Tuesday, at 7:00 p.m., young people have been quoted to show their support for the general strike. On Wednesday, also at 7:00 p.m., members of the Harro platform will seek an opinion on anti-capitalist policy from a trans-Maribolitic point of view.

On Thursday, 7Katu members will join the general strike called for the coming days. The following day, several activities will be offered in the afternoon. At 17:00 children's games will be organized in Plaza Nueva. At 18:30, on the other hand, the ginkana will begin, which will begin in the Katu 7. At 21:00, to finish, the concerts of Uki Selektah, Leihotikan and Orbelak, among others, will be offered.

The day will begin on Saturday at 11:00 in the morning and will end at the Arriaga Theatre. They'll have a date to decorate the neighborhood. At 13:00 they will perform a trikipoteo around the neighborhood and at 14:30 the food will start. My Bastard Friend will enliven the desktop. At 18:30 they will perform a musical poteo and at 21:00 they will return to gaztetxe to enjoy the live concerts. On Sunday, the program will end with the celebration of anniversaries by Iñigo Aiestaran. Oihana Bartra, Uxue Alberdi, Joanes Illarregi and Ane Labaka will be on the programme.