The Bilbobus strike was suspended, pending workers' consent to the previous strike
  • Bilbobus's indefinite strike has been "suspended" for the time being, after the closure of the pre-agreement between UGT, CCOO and USO with Biobide, the company subcontracted by the City of Bilbao for the provision of the public service. The workers will have to decide on Thursday in the assembly whether they accept the agreed conditions. ELA does not sign the pre-agreement because it does not guarantee purchasing power.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2024ko maiatzaren 15
Bilbobusen ia 700 lagunek egiten dute lan. Argazkia: Bilbobus

Bilbobus workers will decide on Thursday whether UGT, CCOO and USE accept the conditions agreed with the company Biobide. Meanwhile, after several weeks, the indefinite strike has been "suspended", according to the company.

Bilbobus workers have been on an indefinite strike since 9 April, but since last year they have been continuously stopping, and mobilizations because the management has repeatedly "violated" what the agreement establishes, "with the complicit silence of the Bilbao City Council," the works committee said.

Biobide counts in Bilbao with 44 bus lines arranged or in concession and counts for the provision of this public service with a team of almost 700 workers. Trade unions accuse him, among other things, of not complying with court rulings, of not putting all staff on the full-time job market and of having the "frozen" agreement since 2021.

Bilbobus workers were on indefinite strike since 9 April, but since last year they have been carrying out continuous stoppages and mobilizations for repeated "violation" of what the management establishes in the agreement

These weeks have met on several occasions with the management of the company, the last on 9 May, but have risen from the table without consensus. Now, UGT, CCOO and USO have signed a pre-agreement at the negotiating table on Tuesday.

ELA: "Purchasing power is not guaranteed"

The ELA trade union, represented on the Bilbobus staff, does not see with "good eyes" the economic conditions agreed by the other trade unions.

It says that "workers will not be guaranteed purchasing power", because the agreement does not contain wage increases with the annual CPI, moreover, "it will depend on the wage increase of the public service established by the laws of Madrid", the Abertzale union said. Thus, UGT, CCOO and USO accuse the company of "giving away those contents" after more than 50 days of strike.