A homosexual couple denounces in Villabona the homophobic and racist attack
  • The victims report that a group of young people suffered homophobic and racist bitterness and insults when leaving a bar in Villabona (Gipuzkoa) on Saturday night. The Lakua Security Department investigates what happened.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko maiatzaren 16a
LGTBIfobiaren aurkako nazioarteko egunean manifestazioa Donostian. Argazkia: Irutxuloko Hitza.

Several media outlets have reported that the Basque Government’s Department of Security has announced on Tuesday the opening of proceedings for a homophobic attack to investigate the attack in Villabona (Gipuzkoa) on Saturday night to Sunday.

The victims explain that they had just left a bar and about fifteen young people were screaming. They tried to get away, but the aunt of one of them was stabbed. So when they came to help their aunt, they report that they were kicked and punched. They say they were beaten until the police come.

One of the boys lost consciousness and was admitted until Monday. You've had to remodel your nose, your wrist is broken, and you've had 15 points in your mouth. The other boy has cuts and bruises on his face. Her aunt has a hematoma in her eye for her fist.

Victims say they fear "retaliation for denouncing the aggressors".