The University Hospital of Navarra has been one of the first to change an obsolete heart valve by catter
  • In October, the Hemodynamics Department of the University Hospital of Navarra modified a heart valve that was installed seven years ago in a patient in a novel and non-aggressive way for the body: the obsolete prosthesis has ruptured the ring with an old age through a high-pressure old age, all through a catheter of the vein of the inguinal area, with general anesthesia in the short term. Very few cases of this type have been reported in scientific literature around the world.
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The characteristic that adds complexity to this intervention is that the obsolete prosthesis was small in size. And through a catter they have managed to install a larger valve, with immediate effects.

The patient, an 85-year-old woman, has been discharged from the hospital within five days and has been treated for her injuries. Those responsible for the hemodynamics group have pointed out that this path opens a new opportunity to similar cases that, until now, did not have sufficient guarantees to get well.

Source of information: Government of Navarra.