Get a second house in Abadiño to give way to the TAV
  • The Goxentziagirre farmhouse has begun to be demolished to give way to the High-Speed Train (TAV).
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko ekainaren 11
Goxentziagirre baserriaren eraistea. Argazkia: Anboto Argazkia: Anboto

A second dwelling has already been demolished in Abadiño due to the works of the TAV. As residents have reported to Anboto, the dwelling began to collapse last Tuesday afternoon. In the Goxenciagirre village, which was in the Muntsaraz district, there was no longer anyone. The building was also known as Muntsaratzagirre.

It is not the first to be demolished in the village, as last May a 500 year farmhouse was demolished on expropriated land.