Second options
Uxue Gutierrez Lorenzo 2024ko uztailaren 16a
Agurea, urpekaria eta itsasoa / Uztailaren 3an / Bilboko Casilda Iturrizar parkean (Kalealdia). Argazkia: Hortzmuga Konpainia.

The Park of Doña Casilda in Bilbao becomes once a year the meeting point of the street theatre. This year, the Kalealdia festival is 25 years old, and in the first week of July, 86 performances have been seen from 32 different companies.

On July 3, I was struck by the colorful structure next to one of the lagoons of the park. A network that supports colorful plastic waste and the structure completes the concert stage that is about to start: The work El Viejo, the submarine and the sea of the company Hortzmuga. The company Hortzmuga, founded in 1989, aims to raise awareness through social criticism at the shows held in Bilbao.

An older man appears first on the tabside and begins to move in a space that is shaped like a boat/half home: It's Ulises. It has caught the trash, it has collected it on the net and it has incorporated it into the structure. So he built his own cabin. Ulises lives quiet in his corner, away from others.

Felix, submarine, is the second protagonist of the animated film. Young, energetic and well-known on Instagram. Her main concern is the Hater, likes and followers, and she spends the day recording and picking up challenges. On this occasion, his task is to record how a giant wave is devoured. But Itsaso has another mission prepared for Felix.

It is perhaps the third protagonist, the most significant: Mar. The sea, dressed in blue, symbolizes the movement of the waves with its large wings held by the arms. He's sick, drowned by the waste that we humans shed. He takes the ruins to Ulysses for the old man to give them a second life. Today Itsaso wants to create a meeting between Felix and Ulises. It seems to him that they have something to learn from each other.

The work raises several issues through the relationship between Ulises and Félix: Felix is forced to live off screens on the isolated island of Ulysses. On the contrary, Ulises has long been forced to relate to another human being.

The work is a demand for second chances, a hopeful proposal that suggests that we are in time to preserve nature and the environment. Felix, a diver, embodies hope. The young man has taken over from Ulysses and assumed the task of guarding the sea. The second option is that of Félix, the second is that of waste poured into the sea and the second is that of society submerged in consumerism and crazy garbage accumulation. The play has given us the opportunity to set an example to viewers, as if it were a small hope.