Belarus will form government amid international pressure
  • The European Union (EU) has not endorsed the results of the elections. Meanwhile, Lukaxenko has asked the European and US authorities to “stop worrying about Belarus and deal with their own problems.”
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko abuztuaren 20a
Alexander Lukashenko. Argazkia: Wikimedia Commons

Belarus President Alexander Lukaxenko announced on Wednesday the formation of a new government in Belarus. Roman Golovchenko will be the prime minister and Lukaxenko will be the president.

In the meantime, the European Union is still unaware of the results of the elections last day 9. “That they deal with their problems and not use Belarus to mask them,” the Minsk Government replied from the capital.

The EU and NATO have not, however, expressed their willingness to respect the country’s internal policy. The troops of the international military alliance have begun military manoeuvres on the border between Poland and Belarus, according to the local newspaper RT.

The Belarussian Ministry of Defence, Viktor Jrenin, has ordered the strengthening of the military force in the Grodno region in the west of the country, particularly with tactical missiles, drones and air defence systems.