Videobigilance or defence of political freedoms in Eunate
  • The Self-Defense Network of the Region of Pamplona has called for a national concentration on 21 March. In Euskal Herria, the appeal to attend the demonstration has begun to be mobilized, as well as the need to remove the videobigilance cameras from the Eunate College and all educational centers. The cameras were installed at the beginning of the course in Eunate, without the approval of students, parents and workers in the area. In addition, the Student Movement has denounced the repeated attacks on the political freedoms of students, the conditions under which political activity normally takes place. An example of this is the obstruction of meetings, follow-up and complaints against students, as well as the denial of the right to strike by students.
Ikasle Abertzaleak @IAbertzaleak 2019ko martxoaren 18a

At the beginning of the course, the students began to take out the cameras. In view of the requests to carry out this process, the management has repeatedly closed the way to the demands of the students. On 28 February, hundreds of students from the region of Pamplona held a new call for dialogue to the management, along with the request for the withdrawal of the cameras, to demand the elimination of the serious assaults that the students are suffering, such as follow-up, complaints and violations of the rights to strike and meeting. The management's response was clear: he rejected the students' request for dialogue and sent the police. Not content with the installation of the cameras, the direction gave way to repression once again.

Given the seriousness of the situation, it is necessary to go to the bottom of the problem: Installation of cameras at the Eunate College. The establishment of permanent control over the students and staff of the centre should be the subject of a clear complaint. The political activity carried out at the centre is continuously under repression, which is a violation of basic political rights. This measure involves the infantilization and depoliticization of students, as well as the assimilation of the activity of students to increasingly demanding learning rhythms.

The head of the centre is responsible for installing the Eunat cameras. It is therefore their responsibility to put an end to this measure. In addition, the education department involved in the establishment of the chambers in the different educational centres in Navarre must provide the means to put an end to this situation. It is also worth mentioning that it feeds on the conservation of the cameras, criminalizing the political agents that organize themselves in defense of the students and in favor of the withdrawal of the cameras from the educational centers. The agents involved in the withdrawal of the chambers from the institutes must sit down. That is what the Self-Defense Network of the Region of Pamplona proposes and what we do.

As far as we are concerned, Ikasle Abertzaleak is the national organization that exercises the union function of the students. We carry out active work to improve the students' living and learning conditions. Therefore, we will put all our strength in the dynamics that aim to develop the autonomy and political initiative of the students. Also in defence of their political freedoms. As mentioned above, in the case of Eunate, our option is to sit with the management students at a table.

In fact, in this case, the only way is to keep or remove the cameras. Turn educational institutions into video-surveillance centres or defend the political freedoms of students and workers. The case approach in other elements makes the solution difficult.

Those of us who have opted for the withdrawal of the cameras and for the defence of students and workers will meet on Thursday in Pamplona.

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