ELA creates the Bidelagun Foundation to reduce workplace accidents
  • The foundation will be based on specialization and legal innovation, and these tools will make 'accidents or diseases more expensive than preventive measures'. In the companies of Hego Euskal Herria there are 40,000 accidents a year and the objective is to reduce them.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko martxoaren 23a

At a press conference, ELA Legal Services Head Amaia Aierbe and Bidelagun Lawyer David Pena explained that in Hego Euskal Herria more than 50 people die each year from work accidents and that, in addition, in each of them there are 35 deaths from occupational illness: "This is an unacceptable figure and does not generate enough alarm in the business world. It is clear that companies will start to worry when accidents are more expensive than these preventive measures.” The Foundation will have its headquarters in Durango, where the cases of Hego Euskal Herria will be addressed.

According to ELA, the Bidelagun Foundation was born because ELA has proven that the specialization in occupational health has allowed, through innovation and new ways, to make more effective the defense of the right to life and physical integrity. As an example of this, he cited the call for precautionary measures for the pandemic, "legal successes" against silica and asbestos, or "preventive compensation obtained" when companies generate risks for the absence of the accident and illness.

David Pena explained that "we have managed to take a step further in prevention, because before the accident we have achieved sanctions, which allows us to demand dissuasive compensation for companies to take the health of workers seriously". ELA says there is a lot of work in occupational health: "In Hego Euskal Herria every year about 40,000 people are discharged from work accidents and thousands of people suffer psychosocial problems. We are firmly committed in this area."

The union has also recalled the success of cases such as Mármoles Aztiria, Patricio Echeverría, Sidenor, Fagor Ederlan-Tafalla or Sunsunsundegui, where significant compensation has been obtained for the relatives of the deceased workers. If you wish, you will find more information about the news in the ARGIA Agents Square!