Walking through the care of the elderly
  • An uncomfortable, cold and rainy climate favored the feminist strike in San Sebastian. The strike breaks stereotypes and calls for the rights of caregivers of older people as working women, hired as domestic workers. General feminist strike! A large number of women shouted through the streets under umbrella; in search of a horizon that shines in the darkness of domestic, labor and social violence of migrated and non-migrated women.
Cándida Rivas Mendoza 2023ko abenduaren 01a
Argazkia: Pello Maudo Herrero / ARGIA CC BY-SA

A strike called by women who manage the demand for equal rights for women housekeepers, strike by those who manage the fight against the domestic work regime, so that it does not occur. The strike of women demands that the State take care of the care, reinforcing the care system, and that it should not be a system that is commodified, private, racialized or feminized. It is intended to create a system of community care in which we all take responsibility.

Migrant women want to stop being invisible. We don't want to be weird women. We don't want to be irregular, we want to be working women. We are brave: we have left our family, our friends and our world far away to reinvent ourselves in a distant territory. We want our work to be valued, because we get up every day to produce to help the Spanish economy. I ask: Why does the Foreign Office not give me papers and allow me to work in black? If I work, I contribute to social security and I pay tribute to the Spanish economy.

This feminist struggle is also: Let the Foreign Office make us legal, why wait so long if we're working. Because if we ultimately work, we have to wait so many years. We want to sting the hearts of politicians so that older caregivers have the recognition of salaries as professionals, because we prepare for it. We want care for the elderly to be a comprehensive system in which all people have the same opportunities, not just those with economic capacity.

I believe that the feminist strike is an important achievement for women, because we are able to move the world and achieve our goals. This strike is the first link in an increasingly strong and strong chain. We have had the collaboration of carriers, trade unions and the community in general.

Cándida Rivas Mendoza, member of the association Bidez bide and migrant household employee