As the Foundation explains on its website, “the objective of the program is to value the meaning of the roads and their current meaning in our culture, in the broadest sense, stimulating reflection and debate on the subject. Bring patrimonial value closer to the citizen and make them know and feel.”
It is the construction of old roads, among which was the country at the junction of the two main Roman roads of its time, “between the road that joined Burdigala and Astorga”. There were also the Tarraco road from the Mediterranean to the Oiasso del Cantábrico or the Camino de Santiago from Europe.
But, in addition, they will bring another kind of way to reflection and debate: “Rural roads, forests and streams, transhumance, smuggling… Even more pragmatic, whether railways, guns or guns”, or many other lost roads in history and in memory, “on the path of memory, there is certainly much to recover”.
On Saturday 22, the central event will be held at the Museum of Navarra in Pamplona, in the morning and afternoon hours: Juan María Martínez de Choperena de Aranzadi will travel the road from Tarracoti to Oiasso; the architect Iñaki Uriarte will analyze the roads of water; Amaia Apraiz the railways; and Amaia Martínez Matia the cultural itineraries. They will also talk about the roads of smuggling and repression – the Comète network – with José Antonio Perales and Isabel Elizalde and Juanbi Mihura, the last two family members of those who participated in the Comète network.
More detailed information can be found on the Nabarralde website.