The eliminators of the 2024 Bertsolaris Álava Championship begin. This stage will involve 24 bertsolaris. The second session took place in Laguardia.
Six bertsolaris in play:
Maddi Agirre Epelde - Vitoria
Orlando Arreitunandia Arinas - Mutriku
Irati Anda Villanueva - Vitoria
Aitor Ugarte Eriz - Aramaio
Sabin Abarrategui Sarrinandia - Aramaio
Marta De Pedis - Italy
In this first phase they have sung 10 scored bertsos. Once all the exercises have been completed, Maddi Agirre has been the bertsolari with the most points he has obtained, so he will be classified directly in the Championship starting in 2024. The remaining 13 will be ranked in order of score. The scores were as follows:
Maddi Agirre: 188 points
Aitor Ugarte: 185 points
Orlando Arreitunandia: 179 points
Sabin Abarrategui: 169.5 points
Irati Anda: 163 points
Marta De Pedisi: 117.5 points
The presenter was Oier Azkarraga. The Qualifier Tribunal shall consist of: Patxi Aizpurua, Ainhoa Aizpurua and Mikel Fernandez de Arroyabe.
The next session will be held on October 28 at the Casa de Cultura de Legutiano.
Here are some pictures of Laguardia program.