The Lleida court sentenced Hasela to two and a half years in prison
  • The court in Lleida confirmed on Thursday another conviction of rapper Pablo Hashim for "threatening the witness" in a trial in which he was convicted of a crime of murder. In any event, the judgment can still be appealed to the Supreme Court. During the second consecutive night there have been demonstrations and altercations in Catalonia, Euskal Herria and several provinces of the Spanish State, with the aim of denouncing their imprisonment.
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Hasélen espetxeratzeak protesta ugari sortu du hainbat hiritan. Irudian, elkarretaratzea Vic-en (arg.: La Directa / Sara Blaquez)

Paul Hashim was arrested in prison on Tuesday to serve a nine-month prison sentence for chanting against the king of Spain. Two days later, the Lleida court confirmed a new sentence of two and a half years in prison for "threatening the witness" in a trial against several municipal police officers of the locality of Lleida.

Although the execution of the sentence is now in the hands of the Supreme Court, the singer could appeal the decision to the Spanish Supreme Court, several media outlets have reported in agency sources.

Hasélen’s imprisonment has led to mass demonstrations and protests during the second consecutive afternoon at different points in the Basque geography. Numerous groups have criticised the Mossos d'Esquadra offensive in Barcelona against the citizens, a woman who has lost her eye because of a pelotazo launched in the riots on Tuesday. Violent incidents have also been recorded in Madrid and Granada.

Also in Euskal Herria there have been demonstrations this Wednesday night, in locations such as Pamplona, Berriozar, Donostia-San Sebastián and Portugalete, among others.

On the other hand, in connection with the imprisonment of Hasélen and the protests that followed him, the coalition of the Spanish Government has increased tension between the members of the United Nations Podemos and the PSOE.