You convict two years and eight months in jail for killing 117 rapacious birds with a poison
  • The condemned are the presidents of the two hunting camps of Tudela and Cintruénigo and a forest guard of the locality. Predators were killed because they reduced the number of hunting pieces to hunters.  
ARGIA @argia 2019ko maiatzaren 17a
Hilik agertu zen hegaztietako bat. Argazkia: Nafarroako Foruzaingoa

The Criminal Court No. 2 of Pamplona has condemned Manuel P.G. two years and eight months in prison. Ángel G.J. and Juan S.M. Ribera. In addition, they must compensate the Foral Community of Navarra with EUR 67,538,65 and have been disqualified for responsibilities related to cinematography for a period of 5 years and 4 months. Convicted persons have the possibility of recourse to the judgment of the National Court.

The facts brought to justice take place between April and July 2012, according to the same sources. In that period, forest rangers of several hunting grounds found 117 rapacious birds and four crows, including large, endangered predators. Later analyses revealed that fast-acting poisons, such as fenthion and S-methyl-demeton, killed the birds.

Three people have been convicted, but the ruling finds that mass poisoning was planned by the addresses of the four hunting grounds; two from Tudela, one from Cintruénigo and the fourth from Fitero. Poisoned birds are predators of partridge and hare and reduce their number. Planned poisoning is due to the fact that partridges and hares are also the main hunting pieces of hunters.

At the trial, the environmental associations Ekologistak Martxan, SEO/BirdLife and WWF acted as a particular indictment. They hope that the judgments will serve to warn against the ecological damage caused by such acts and the criminal consequences of such acts.