The Spanish police arrested two people on Monday morning in Vitoria, charged with committing crimes of prostitution and sexual exploitation, EITB explained. According to the police, they used vulnerable women to force them to prostitute themselves. A 68-year-old man and a 47-year-old woman are arrested and research shows that both managed a sex services website and rented housing to women to work on it.
Almost all victims are foreign, in an irregular situation, who had to prostitute themselves against their will to survive. They were sentenced to thirteen hours a day (11:00 to 00:00), without rest. They were also given a telephone for the management of sexual services, with the absolute control of the exploiters.
The Spanish police have also arrested a third person, a 55-year-old man, for marrying the female pimp in exchange for money (€3,000). All three are at liberty pending trial.