Two detainees in Itsasu and Uztaritze following protests in favour of the lands of Marienia
  • Filipe Laskarai and Benjamin Charron have been arrested this Wednesday morning by the Gendarmes in connection with the protests they carried out during the month of April at the Kanbo Consistorial House. The peasants and activists demanded in this non-speculative action with the lands of Marienia.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko urriaren 02a
Marieneako laborantza lurren aldeko protestak etengabeak izan dira enpresak etxebizitzak eraikitzeko proiektua jakinarazi zuenetik Maite Ubiria / Mediabask

According to Euskal Irrati Telebista, the Police arrested the farmer Benjamin Charron in Uztaritze and the activist of Ostia Filipe Laskarai in Itsasu in Itsasu. Both have been arrested on Wednesday morning and have been transferred to the Uztaritze police station.

The arrests have taken place following the protests that took place last April at the Kanbo Citizen Council. The electorate, convened by the farmers and the Ostia collective, entered the time when the council was being held and issued slogans in favour of the Mairenian lands and against speculation.

During the protest, there were moments of tension among the attendees. Kanbo’s mayor, Christian Deveze, ended a moment on the ground, causing a great stir between the elects and the laboraqs and the collectives.

Protest by farmers at the House of the People of Kanbo in April. Euskal Irratiak

The company Bouyges intends to build houses in the farmland of the Marienia de Kanbo estate, which has caused a massive movement against the population.

Two years ago, hundreds of people and dozens of tractors participated in the demonstration organized by the collective Kanboko Nahi Dugu Herria, the Ostia network, ELB and trade unions such as Planes Herria, among others. Since then, mobilizations and initiatives have been continuous to claim that these lands are intended for agriculture.

In 2022, numerous members of the Ostia network took action at the company’s headquarters in Angelu, and four of them, including Filipe Laskarai, now detained, were charged with supporting a project model.